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01- Host security software
Desktop anti-virus and content-scanning software solutions usually operate on files, either stored on a device or in-transit. They detect the presence of malicious software through various techniques, such as attackignatures and heuristics. Note: Only client computer software is included here. Server anti-virus and security applications are included in the Security Software category. Firewall software solutions are designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network by permitting or denying computer applications based upon a set of rules and other criteria. Firewalls typically function as filters, gateways and/or proxies. Application whitelisting software solutions permit only authorized applications to run on a system. There are also security software solutions that enable and manage security authentication and that are used to assign, maintain and revoke access to information and computer resources to an authenticated user or computer resource. Identity management software solutions identify individuals in a system and control access to resources in that system by placing restrictions on the established identities. These applications allow users to sign on once and gain access to multiple applications for which they are authorized. Security incident monitoring is included.
Endpoint security software solutions support security at the desktop network boundary by distributing security applications to end-user devices (endpoints) on a network in a centrally managed fashion. Endpoint software determines the security posture of IT systems by passively scanning each device for service and OS-related vulnerabilities.
Mobility security software solutions provide automatic security controls for mobile users that allow enterprises to deploy wireless tools that maintain security rules. In addition, these applications provide reporting tools to ensure that users are maximizing and controlling wireless costs.